Important: like all apps , you should open it after installation to start its work
The only app to announce the caller name, even if written in Arabic or Franco Arab
and much more , nicknames, excluded contacts to avoid any embarrassing situation, and a lot of other nice customization
Penting: seperti semua aplikasi, Anda harus membukanya setelah instalasi untuk memulai pekerjaannya
Satu-satunya aplikasi untuk mengumumkan nama penelepon, bahkan jika ditulis dalam bahasa Arab atau Franco Arab
dan banyak lagi, julukan, dikecualikan kontak untuk menghindari situasi yang memalukan, dan banyak kustomisasi yang bagus lainnya
Important: like all apps , you should open it after installation to start its work
The only app to announce the caller name, even if written in Arabic or Franco Arab
and much more , nicknames, excluded contacts to avoid any embarrassing situation, and a lot of other nice customization